/ June 16, 2020 / The Human Rights Committee of Vranje addressed a letter to the Center for Provision of Local Social Protection Services in Vranje, which refers to the Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence and the Safe House, for the period of state of emergency, which was declared in Serbia 15 In March 2020, due to the KOVID-19 pandemic on the number of registered cases of domestic violence for the period (by gender and age structure), data on the basic accompanying measures taken by the Center and the Safe House to help victims of domestic violence (number of criminal cases application, number of lawsuits filed to determine measures for protection against domestic violence, number of lawsuits filed for divorce), number of women registered and accommodated in the Safe House for the specified period, number of children registered and accommodated in the Safe House for the specified period.
In response, which we received on 16.06.2020. year, it is stated that in the period from 15.03.2020. years until 06.05.2020. year, ie during the state of emergency, 7 users / 3 women and 4 children / were accommodated in the Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence.
Also, it is stated that the Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence exclusively keeps records of submitted requests for accommodation of users, and that for the delivery of other requested data, we must contact the Center for Social Work and other competent institutions.
/ 26. May 2020./ U.G. The Human Rights Committee of Vranje addressed a letter to the Public Institution Center for Development of Local Social Protection Services, whose regional Safe House of Pčinja District is an organizational unit, with a request for information: how to provide accommodation for women, girls and children – victims of domestic violence in Safe house while waiting for Corona virus testing, as well as while Corona virus test results arrive? Are there special rooms provided (rooms, kitchens, toilets), while waiting for testing and test results for the Corona virus, and what are the capacities? Also, the Protocol on Placement of Women, Girls and Children in a Specialized Social Protection Service – Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence / Safe House from the moment of the introduction of the state of emergency and in the context of the general condition caused by the COVID virus was requested 19.
After several repeated letters, we received a response from the director of the institution.
The answer states that the accommodation of users in the Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence from the moment of accommodation until the submission of confirmation of the presence of Kovid virus – 19. / up to 48 hours, or until the test results arrive / is done in a special room for accommodation of users under special supervision, that the said room, intended for accommodation of up to 3 users, contains a separate toilet and is equipped with a TV set, and by employees, meals and groceries are delivered, in the manner and with respect to prescribed measures to prevent the spread of infectious disease Kovid – 19 .
Also, the answer suggested that „we must not discriminate“, because the license they received from the relevant Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs is for the social protection service, which reads „Shelter for victims of domestic violence – Safe House, it does not mean accommodation only for women and children ”.
When asked if that means that men are also accommodated in the Safe House, we have not received an answer until today.
Also, the Protocol on the placement of women, girls and children in a specialized social protection service – Shelter for victims of domestic violence / Safe House has not been received to date.
/ April 28, 2020 / U.G. The Human Rights Committee of Vranje addressed a letter to the Public Institution Center for Development of Local Social Protection Services, whose regional Safe House of Pčinja District is an organizational unit, with a request for information: how to provide accommodation for women, girls and children – victims of domestic violence in Safe house while waiting for Corona virus testing, as well as while Corona virus test results arrive? Are there special rooms provided (rooms, kitchens, toilets), while waiting for testing and test results for the Corona virus, and what are the capacities? Also, the Protocol on Placement of Women, Girls and Children in a Specialized Social Protection Service – Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence / Safe House from the moment of the introduction of the state of emergency and in the context of the general condition caused by the COVID virus was requested 19.
After several repeated letters, we did not receive an answer to these questions.
In this regard, U.G. Human Rights Committee Vranje and Association „Osvit“ from Nis, which are licensed SOS service providers 24 hours 7 days a week for women with experience of violence from the civil sector, in order to provide a greater degree of prevention of domestic and partner violence against women, girls, children and prevention of femicide, but also effective protection of women in the conduct of competent institutions in the conditions of prohibition of movement and curfew, accommodation of women in safe houses and testing for coronavirus, at the end of April 2020 sent a proposal to the Government of Serbia:
– Proposal to amend the Decree on organizing the work of the social protection institution, social protection organization for providing home accommodation services during the state of emergency (Official Gazette No. 54/2020), with a proposal to provide urgent, safe accommodation for women, girls, children with experience of violence in Safe Houses from reporting domestic violence while waiting for text sampling, and while waiting for corona test results
virus. These health measures take several days. And the question is, where to place the victims of violence in that period, and for what there are no clear, written instructions and protocols.
You can see the proposal here: