/ Vranje, 01.19.2018. / In the premises of the Human Rights Committee of Vranje on 15 January 2018 for the first time in southern Serbia officially started Girls corner in the project „SOS safe place for girls.“ In the next four months in the framework of this pilot project which is supported by the Embassy of Australia in the corner, girls will be able to socialize, organize various activities, visits workshops on different topics. The existence of a corner will help girls to improve their skills to recognize violence against women and domestic violence as well as promoting gender equality. It will provide support to girls when it comes to domestic violence and risky behavior and to educate them to recognize violence, imposing limits, changes in awareness of this problem and they would later become transmitters of knowledge to friends and other school children. Some of the workshops that will be held in the corner are: labeling, gender and sex, being a woman / to be a man, loving relationships, a woman’s body, reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, what is violence and the cycle of violence, violence on the Internet and ending silence and seeking help. In addition to the existence Girls corner, in thematic workshops in high schools in Vladicin Han, Surdulica and Vranje girls will get basic info about what is violence, how to recognize it, the cycle of violence and how it can protect. The focus of all activities Corner is on the prevention of gender-based violence.
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