Аутор: odbor

/Vranje, 30. novembar 2022./ Devojke iz SOS Kutka uspešno su završile trening pete generacije vršnjačkih edukatorki na temu zaustavljanja rodnog nasilja nad devojčicama. U okviru treninga obeležile su 16 dana aktivizma promocijom narandžaste kampanje. Obuka je okupila 20 devojčica iz srednjih škola uzrasta do 18 godina!

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/ Vranje, October 12, 2020 / The Human Rights Committee of Vranje successfully implemented a campaign to collect aid for the Special Hospital for Lung Diseases Surdulica. The crowdfunding campaign was realized on the Donacije.rs platform in partnership with the Special Hospital in Surdulica and with the support of the Catalyst Foundation. In the period of two months of the campaign, funds in the amount of 393,137.00 RSD were collected. The funds are intended for the purchase of additional medical equipment necessary for the care of COVID patients who are accommodated in the Special Hospital in Surdulica. 11 oximeters, 11…

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Specijalnoj bolnici za plućne bolesti koja je u Covid sistemu na jugu Srbije, potrebna pomoć za pacijente inficirane korona virusom sa juga Srbije.Odlukom Ministarstva zdravlja od 29. juna 2020. godine, Specijalna bolnica za plućne bolesti u Surdulici ušla je u sistem COVID bolnica, gde su do danas smeštena 63 pacijenta. Ovo je peta Covid bolnica u sedam opština Pčinjskog okruga (četiri su u okviru Medicinskog centra u Vranju).U ovoj vanrednoj situaciji, specijalnoj bolnici pored postojeće medicinske opreme kojom raspolaže, nedostaje oprema za hitno lečenje sve većeg broja obolelih od korona virusa, jer svakog dana su zahtevi za smeštaj novih pacijenata.…

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/ Belgrade, May 5, 2020 / The Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the Republic of Serbia supported the proposal to amend the Decree on the Prohibition of Movement and Accommodation of Victims of Violence in Safe Houses in State of Emergency. This proposal was sent to the Government of Serbia by the associations Committee for Human Rights Vranje and the Association of Roma Women Osvit. The Office for Cooperation with Civil Society sent an initiative to the Cabinet of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, suggesting changes to the said Decree so that women, girls and…

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/ Belgrade, 04/24/2020./ Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia Dr. Zorana Mihajlovic and the Coordination Body for Gender Equality have accepted the initiative to amend the Decree on the Prohibition of Movement, where we requested that this measure does not apply, ie. with the exception of women, girls, children with experience of domestic violence. We received a response that the justified initiative had been formally submitted for further adoption. We have also been informed that an initiative to amend Government Regulation R.S. on the procedure for housing women in Safe Homes under conditions of virus coronas. We are sincerely awaiting the…

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/ Vranje, 04/22/2020 / Human Rights Committee – Vranje and Association Of Roma Women OSVIT – Nis are the only licensed SOS providers 24 hours 7 days a week for women with experience of violence from the civil sector, in the conditions of the COVID-19 virus pandemic and state of emergency. In order to ensure greater prevention of family and partner Violence against women, girls, children and prevention of femicide, but also effective protection of women in the treatment of competent institutions under conditions of prohibition of movement and curfew, placement of women in the Safe House and testing for…

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Human Rights Committee Vranje and the SOS Corner for Girls Program are the winner of the 2019 World, Big With and For Girls award, the “With and For Girls” Collective officially announced on January 16, 2020 in London. The award is a worldwide recognition for the work of the Human Rights Committee Vranje in Serbia, within 22 years of continuous work. Human Rights Committee Vranje, in the competition of 170 nominated candidates from the world, won the award from the first category in the world and in the Europe and Central Asia region, through the evaluation of the overall work…

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/ Vranje, 23.11.2017./ Human Rights Committee Vranje-SOS Telephone Vranje, held a third regional conference „ORANGE COMMON RESPONSE TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN“. The conference was organized with the support of UN agencies UNDP, the city of Vranje, the municipality of Trgovishte, Surdulica, Bujanovac and in cooperation with the Gender Equality Council of Vranje. The conference Regional network of local institutions and CSOs Pcinja district was organized to mark the 25th November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the „16 days of activism against violence against women“. This conference, SOS Telephone Vranje traditionally organises since 2014, to mark the…

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/ AWC, 28.01.2018./ Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs announced during the 16 days of activism against violence against women forming the National SOS hotline for women victims of violence – a phone that is the state of Serbia was obliged to form another October 2013 . g. when it ratified the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. The Ministry has announced two contests for the National SOS line and both competitions are withdrawn. He has publicly announced a number of the National SOS phone 0800/222003, that when you call,…

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/ Vranje, 01.19.2018. / In the premises of the Human Rights Committee of Vranje on 15 January 2018 for the first time in southern Serbia officially started Girls corner in the project „SOS safe place for girls.“ In the next four months in the framework of this pilot project which is supported by the Embassy of Australia in the corner, girls will be able to socialize, organize various activities, visits workshops on different topics. The existence of a corner will help girls to improve their skills to recognize violence against women and domestic violence as well as promoting gender equality.…

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/ Belgrade, 19 December 2017./ On the occasion of 15 years of SOS phone Vranje Human Rights Committee Vranje awarded the Charter Autonomous Women’s Center and the Network of Women Against Violence for the contribution, commitment and cooperation in the promotion of hotline services. Activists Autonomous Women’s Center are, according to the words of Suzana Antic Ristic from the Committee for Human Rights, of great importance to them because of constant encouragement and perseverance in the struggle for women’s right to live without violence.

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/Vranje,11.10.2017/ Newspapers „Vranjske“ editor in chief, director Vukašin Obradović reaction to the article: „THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS, violence is violence“ PRESS STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN I am disassociating myself from the text „NO EXCEPTIONS, violence is violence“, published 05.10.2017 on Info portal „Vranje“ and from misogynist attitudes and discrimination against women. I ask the editor in chief, director and owner of the newspaper and Info „Vranjske“ Vukašin Obradović and author of the text Slavomir Kostić, for a public apology – to me and to all women of SOS telephone Vranje and NGO Human Rights Committee Vranje, women in Serbia fighters for human…

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/ Vranje, 01.10.2017./ Human Rights Committee Vranje implemented the project „Construction work on the building safe houses“ in the period 01 June – 30 September 2017. The project is funded by the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the municipality of Vladicin Han. As part of the planned works, built a new perimeter wall, wire fence was put around it and made a new concrete in front of the safe houses, thus increasing the level of security of beneficiaries which are placed in the house. Creating and mounting a metal railing on the terrace were created safer conditions for children who…

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